Alfred Nuclear Medicine and Ultrasound Pty Ltd
RPAH Medical Centre
Suite 206, Level 2,
100 Carillon Avenue,
Newtown, Sydney, NSW, 2042, Australia
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For All Appointments please call us : 02 9519 9666
ANMU Pty Ltd
Renal Study

Renal DTPA or MAG3 Study
You have been referred for a Renal DTPA or Renal MAG3 study to look at the blood supply, function and excretion of urine from your kidneys.
The test can assess what percentage each kidney contributes to your total kidney function.
The test may also be undertaken to evaluate:
Renal tubular function and perfusion (how body fluids circulate through the kidneys)
Renovascular hypertension (high blood pressure in the arteries of the kidneys) - Renal Captopril Study
Renal artery stenosis (narrowing of the arteries that take blood to the kidneys) - Renal Captopril Study
Renal tubular obstruction and trauma or damage (blockage or interruption of the ureters)
Renal Transplant function (viability, obstruction, urinary leaks)
Upon arrival to the department, you will be asked to empty your bladder.
You then will be asked to lie on a scanning bed with a Gamma camera(1) placed under the bed.
A small cannula or butterfly needle is then injected into a vein in your arm.
A small amount of tracer called 99mTc-DTPA (99m-Technetium diethylene-triamine-penta-acetic acid) or 99mTc-MAG3 (99m-Technetium mercaptoacetyltriglycine) is injected via this cannula.
99mTc-DTPA is cleared by glomerular filtration.
99mTc-MAG3 is cleared by glomerular filtration and tubular excretion (useful if renal function is impaired or in children aged 0 - 3 months).
There are rarely any side effects with either injection.
Imaging of your kidneys occurs as soon as the tracer has been injected.
Imaging can take anything from 15 to 30 minutes.
If either kidney shows hold-up of tracer, additional imaging is usually required whereby a diuretic ('Lasix' or Frusemide) is given. This imaging takes 15 minutes to complete.
You will be requested to empty your bladder before and after the diuretic is given.
1 minute images are usually done after you have emptied your bladder.
Renal Captopril Study: Usually two Renal DTPA studies are required to make a diagnosis:
First Study [Captopril Study]: One hour prior the Renal DTPA study, 50mg of Captopril and 10mls/kg of water is consumed over the hour. The Renal study is then performed as per normal.
Second Study [Baseline Study]: Repeat the Renal DTPA study 2 days after the Captoptil study. NO Captopril is taken and 10mls/kg of water is consumed over one hour prior imaging. The Renal study is then performed as per normal.
Note: For both studies you should abstain from taking any ACE Inhibitors (3). Alternate medications may be arranged by your doctor.
You receive a slight radiation dose by having a Renal DTPA Study (or MAG3 Study) ~ up to 1.3 times your yearly background radiation (2).
Patient Preparation:
If you are pregnant, trying to fall pregnant or breast feeding, you must inform our staff.
You are required to drink three glasses of water before you arrive for your Renal Study (unless your doctor has placed you on "Fluid Restrictions").
Renal Captopril Study: If your study is being done to evaluate Renal Hypertension or Renal Artery Stenosis, ACE Inhibitors (3) should be stopped 4 - 7 days prior to the examination. Alternate medications may be arranged by your doctor. For any further queries, please contact us to discuss your preparation.
If you have had prior imaging e.g. PET, Nuclear Scan, CT, MRI, X-Ray, Ultrasound, etc... please bring these with you.
Please also bring your referral and any blood results that you may have had done.
Wear comfortable clothing and minimise the amount of metal jewellery you have on (all metal objects will need to be removed prior to imaging).
Important Note: You cannot have this test if you have had a PET or Nuclear Scan within 24 hours prior to this test. If you have had Iodine-131 therapy, allow 4-weeks before having this test. Please ring to discuss booking options.
Breast-Feeding Mothers: Once you have been given the tracer, you need to stop breast-feeding for two feeds. During this time, you need to express and discard your breast milk. You will need to bottle-feed your child during this period.
(1) A Gamma Camera is a device that detects gamma-rays (gamma-rays are very similar to x-rays) and does not emit any radiation.
(2) We all receive a yearly background radiation dose ~ 2.4mSv. Renal DTPA Study (or MAG3 Study) ~ 3.1mSv = 1.29 times yearly background dose.
(3) List of ACE Inhibitors (angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors) inlude but not limited to: Accupril, Aceon, Altace, Amprace, Asig, Benazepril, Capoten, Captopril, Enalapril, Fosinopril, Lisinopril, Lotensin, Mavik, Moexipril, Monopril, Perindopril, Prinivil, Quinapril, Ramace, Ramipril, Renitec, Trandolapril, Univasc, Vasotec, Zestril.
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